A framework to integrate a verification system with your Discord guild built with DiscordJS.
, userCreate
, senderCall
and 4 more!See ./examples/index.js.
npm install --save @hunteroi/discord-verification
You must use NodeJS v16.6.0 or higher to run a bot with this library.
You also must not forget to include mandatory intents and partials as well as give your bot the rights to read messages and commands.
In case you are willing to use guild messages, you will need this intent:
In case you are willing to use direct messages, you will need these intents:
This library integrates an email sender using Twilio SendGrid. You can obviously integrate your own system that communicates a code to the user (eg: an SMS sender, an authentication application or whatever suits your case the best). This is the same system for the storing system : by default, it uses a local JSON file as a database but you can obviously use your own system.
You are responsible of the way the services (should) act and what they receive, which means you are also responsible of the background checks on the input data.
There are two built-in services that you can use with the VerificationManager
: to send an email using Twilio SendGridJSONDatabaseService
: to store data in a JSON fileIn order to use them, you can instanciate them and give them as parameters to the VerificationManager
In case you are willing to use the default SendGrid service, you need to comply to certain requirements:
apiKey: '',
mailData: {
from: ''
If you want to use a dynamic template, you should use code
and name
as variables defined in your SendGrid template.For more information, please look at @sendgrid/mail
documentation and check out their website.
In case you are willing to a JSON file as database, you need to comply to certain requirements:
file (rename db.json.copy
interface.If you are willing to use your own services, you need to know a few things. First things first, the services should implement the right interface:
.IStoringSystem<T extends IUser>
.If you need examples, take a look at SendGridService
and JSONDatabaseService
manager.on(VerificationManagerEvents.codeCreate, (code) => {});
(user, userid, code, isVerified) => {}
manager.on(VerificationManagerEvents.userCreate, (user) => {});
manager.on(VerificationManagerEvents.userAwait, (user) => {});
manager.on(VerificationManagerEvents.userActive, (user) => {});
manager.on(VerificationManager.senderCall, () => {});
manager.on(VerificationManagerEvents.storingSystemCall, () => {});
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